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Blog 20. September 2009 | 0 Comments

Publication: GERN Report 2009 "Mapping Stakeholder Landscapes"

The expectations and the voice of stakeholders do have a growing influence on corporate citizenship. However, number and type of stakeholders, and their respective influence and opinions about business conduct, differ from one country to the next. That is why, the approaches firms take to corporate citizenship and the nature of it will differ as well. That is the thesis, the new GERN report “Mapping Stakeholder Landscapes” comes up with. CCCD participated in this research as a member of GERN and gave input on the stakeholder landscape concerning corporate citizenship in Germany. Network:  Global Network for Corporate Citizenship [more]

Blog 16. October 2008 | 0 Comments

Publication: GERN-Report 2008 "Corporate Citizenship Around the World"

The result of the first project is the GERN report, a compilation of voices from around the globe in recognition of how local perspectives shape concepts of corporate citizenship and how it operates in practice. The GERN report is intended to serve as a valuable guide to the business strategist or corporate citizenship director with an interest in global markets, and to help in navigating the landscape of diverse expectations around the globe. Network:  Global Network for Corporate Citizenship [more]