AIM Session 2013 ...
23. 09. 13, 08:30h

AIM Session 2013 "CSR and the Challenge of Inclusive Growth"

"CSR and the Challenge of Inclusive Growth: The Role of Social Innovation in Creating Lasting Impact"
As the long tail of the global economic crisis continues to wreak havoc in many countries, Asia’s economies are dealing with both great opportunities as well as great challenges. For many countries, the big question is how to ensure that the solutions and responses include the whole population. The challenge to states is inclusive growth.
For companies committed to corporate citizenship, it has been clear for a long-time that isolated programs with limited goals and horizons are not enough. Our current realities require a long-term vision, scalable solutions and innovative approaches.
This year’s conference theme addresses the twin themes of social equity and scalable, innovative approaches. The focus is on sharing innovative approaches, lessons learned and continuing challenges involved in achieving societal outcomes that are both resilient and sustainable.
The conference is designed around a general framework for understanding the process involved in developing innovative approaches to addressing social concerns within a corporate frame. The framework takes into account the need to ensure that solutions are scalable and sustainable.

Date and Time 23. 09. 13, 08:30h
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